birthday, Mom's updates

27 Candles

... I won't really have 27 candles because I don't really like cake. But it's a title that tells you something about me and this post. I have about 17 hours left of 26. Tomorrow at 1pm I will officially be 27. For my birthday this year, Husband asked if I could have "anything in… Continue reading 27 Candles

38 weeks, 39 weeks prego vs. 39 weeks post pardom, 39 weeks vs. 1 week, baby developments, Baby week by week, baby's first year, blessings, current activites, Life lately, Major milestone, mama developments, mommy update, papa developments, thankfulness

One BIG Day!

It's hard to believe this day is finally here. But more on that in a minute. Over the weekend Elijah hit 39 weeks. He has lived outside of the womb as long as he lived inside the womb. Amazing how time flies! Here is a look at then and now! Since we already did the… Continue reading One BIG Day!

bloggerversary, Delightfully Sweet Anniversary, Major milestone


The number of posts published since beginning my blog. Since my one year anniversary post, I am up to 54 followers! 7 our from word press, 47 are from Facebook. We're growing. In thinking about where we are with this blog and where we want to go, I realize most posts are pretty much just… Continue reading 100

baby k'tan, baby outings, baby wearing, current activites, Finding mommy friends, Mom's updates, mommy update, Showering with baby

Baby-Wearin’ Mama’s!

Yesterday was awesome for E and me! We got together with a couple young, first time moms at the park. Our boys are stair steps, 9mo., 6mo., and 3mo. If you're a mom of a young baby, you know how good it can be to get out of the house for fresh air, especially with… Continue reading Baby-Wearin’ Mama’s!