anniversary, Baby room, celebrations, current activites, good husband, home decorating project, home improvement, home organization, husband support, mama developments, mama drama, marriage, Mom's updates, mommy update, Weekend fun

One of those weeks, the good and the challenging!

Monday was crazy, errand running began at 8:30am, but we made it home in time to salvage one of little man's naps. A day running around, as many moms know, sets you back with how things are run at home. We're working through transitioning baby (closer to little boy now a days it seems) back… Continue reading One of those weeks, the good and the challenging!

current activites, home decorating project, home organization, husband support, mama developments, mommy update, outdoor living space, roaches

My Dirty Job…

After a rather difficult night with my boy, hubby graciously took over for me even though he had put in over time at work. It was the kind of morning where sitting alone with a cup of coffee would be the key to hanging on to sanity I needed! Before I could enjoy my coffee… Continue reading My Dirty Job…

current activites, friends, good husband, hope for the future, husband support, Life lately, life lessons, mama developments, marriage, Mom's updates, mommy update, papa developments, surprises, Weekend fun, what I wore

Dating Your Spouse

Dating post-child coming into the world is a whole different ball game! Just over a week ago, David and I were fortunate enough to find time and a friend to provide the opportunity for us to have a real date away from home and baby! We thoroughly believe our relationship with each other is the… Continue reading Dating Your Spouse

baby walk, birth literature, birth process, husband support, waiting for baby


This week I have inundated myself with birth literature (Our bodies... pregnancy and birth book), our Pink Kit, birth documentaries (More business of being born... the 4 part series follow up to the original documentary. YOU MUST WATCH THEM BOTH!) And have learned/re-affirmed that everything I'm going through is normal. Slowly its helping me come around… Continue reading Progress??

baby bump, baby developments, Baby week by week, bump watch, good husband, husband support, mama developments, maternity photos, mommy update, natural child birth, plans, week by week pregnancy, what I wore, what we wore

Bump Watch — 11 Weeks

I'm actually starting my 12th week, but I didn't want to do the bump post with the zoo post. So here goes... 11 weeks and baby is the size of a lime! At 1.5 to 2 inches, "baby bear" is fully featured from eyes now protected by eyelids, fingers and toes - no webbing! Fully functioning… Continue reading Bump Watch — 11 Weeks